She Walks the Air III - IV

Performance with projection.

Sound designed and performed by Divyamaan Sahoo
Photographed by Victoria Awkwards

3 Spice Dance Concert at Green Street Studios, 2018

She Walks the Air III further synthesized and complicated the linearity of the She Walks the Air process. She Walks the Air II, the video work created by Ellen Oliver, was brought into the theater space with my body. I’ve put myself on stage, and let the projection engulf me, while the boundaries of my body’s form protruded and demanded its presence against the projection of my body. An image of myself created by me that was captured by someone else was creating friction with me on stage. It mimicked the kind of self-inflicted, but self-engulfing web that I created in the first iteration of She Walks the Air.

This work was shown at Bates College in Maine and Green Street Studios in Boston with live sound accompaniment by Divyamaan Sahoo. At Green Street Studio, it was captured in photographs by Victoria Awkwards. I consider this act of photography a very light She Walks the Air IV. While it was not intentional, I find the unconscious authorship to be what makes this iteration interesting. So often we leave traces of our actions which end up having lasting impacts. This photo, while taken as an archival process, became an integral trigger of the next intermedia translation.

I also think about those who are often forgotten and erased in the process of translation. It feels all the more aligned with my intention to decolonize to have this photograph named and remembered as a part of the intermedial transformation.

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