IMG_0248 2.JPG


Andrew Agress
Anthony Sertel Dean
Begum Inal
Darby Davis
Eva Wang
Fiona Gorry-Hines
Hyoju Cheon
Kanika Asavari Vaish
Liz Peterson
Siting Yang
Sophie Kovel

Photographed by:

Eva Wang
Yibin Bill Wang
Yuna Jeon

The ensemble gathers, probes, and culminates its findings in a liminal public space at sunset.

They challenge and infiltrate your assumptions of linearity through movements, visuals, and sound. What are you carrying? What is carrying you? Have you noticed how the air flows and takes shape? Have you noticed you flowing and shaping air? Have you noticed air flowing and taking shape in you?

Scores developed with the ensemble: the waves, meet and greet, air/nugget, and the red yarn